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Sunday, September 12, 2010


The moment is here, the one that I've been waiting for
An illusion finally coming into reality
A feeling once submerged has finally emerged
From the abyss of a wounded soul
A love has been awakened and brought to freedom...
I was once a captive of a broken heart
Bounded by the chains of my dark past
For decades, pain was my constant companion
And death was my constant prayer in eack waking moment
Until a knight armed with passion rescued my soul
Words have been exchanged and secrets were unveiled
And light, once again shines on my blinded eyes
Freedon is here, I am no longer a captive
My soul has finally awakened to fly
For a knight armed with passion
Has given me a chance to take flight once more
'Take me...' I said to my knight
And together we took flight on the wings of love.

©Jocelyn del Rosario

Jocelyn del Rosario


  1. hello I like what you did & who you are you sure have talent keep this up & u will fly

  2. Hello, thank you very much. Have a great day and God bless. :)

  3. Hi Joy. Nice imagery. And the words resonate with my soul.
